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How God Can Be Cognized/Scientific Work in Biology and Medicine Scientific Work in Biology and MedicinePreparationI started to gain the first skills of scientific experimentation during the last school years working as a laboratory assistant with my first wise tutor — Gennady Shichko. He was conducting research on influences of some preparations on dogs’ heart work, blood pressure, and breath. Apart from washing floors, I was helping him in experiments. I do not remember their purpose, but it is not important now. The important thing is the following: he laid down in me one of the most important principles of team scientific research. When something was going wrong (for example, when we could not manage to firmly attach sensors to dogs because these sensors were developed for human bodies and thus the measurement did not work properly), we had to invent new solutions even while performing the experiment. The ideas were invented mainly by me. Sometimes my suggestions seemed to him inefficient. However, in such cases he never discarded them, objected, or disputed them. He just simply and wisely said: “Try it!” I tried constructing new gadgets, and he helped. Sometimes we achieved success at once, and sometimes in the process of making unsuccessful attempts we found new successful solutions. Such a check of ideas in practice (in the scientific language: verification — test by experience) — is the best criterion of truth. This is much more efficient than philosophizing without practical examination. Later on, when Shichko was dismissed “due to reduction of the staff” because of his uncompromising scrupulosity, I worked in another medical laboratory — with pharmacologists. There the famous experiments on rats with cholesterol were conducted. On account of their results, eggs as food were “anathematized”: people allegedly get ill with atherosclerosis because of eating them. Each day I, as a laboratory assistant, fed the poor rats with tens of grams of chemically pure cholesterol dissolved in oil. Indeed, cholesterol “plaques” got formed on the walls of the animals’ blood vessels. But if one compares those doses relative to 200 grams of rat’s weight and the amount of cholesterol contained in a chicken egg relative to the weight of a human body, then it turns out that the relative rat’s dose was a million times larger than the normal human dose! That is, all these experiments were conducted incorrectly, and their conclusions advertised to the whole planet are nothing but a scientific lie! Cholesterol is the substance of which both male and female sex hormones are formed in the organism. Eggs also supply the organism with a very good bioenergy. They are very auspicious for spiritual work at its initial stages. Eggs (and milk) supply the organism with a set of indispensable amino acids (components of proteins). But in those years I did not understand anything about this and only performed mechanically my work as an involuntary participant of scientific absurdity… One has to seek the reason of atherosclerosis in something else. I can offer the following hypothesis: cholesterol “plaques” form on the surface of those vessels which are already affected with deposits of salts of uric acid (which is one of the manifestations of gout — the most typical illness of people who eat “killed” food: bodies of killed animals). … In the same school years I had an occasion to work in a zoological expeditionary group of the university. My basic duty was to catch small rodents (mice, voles) and shrews with the help of traps and specially dug trap ditches where animals fell in and could not get out. Then I lanced their stomachs and registered what was found there: rests of acorns, bodies of insects, etc. For the sake of this nonsense, which was needed only for reporting to the supervisor about my “scientific” activity, thousands of animals died in severe suffering: either of starvation or of pain; the trap often did not kill them immediately but only clamped onto some part of the body. I do not remember that I had any compassion towards them in those years. I did it because I was “ordered” so, because it was my “duty”. And someone else’s pain was not known to me yet. I needed to go through a lot of suffering myself — to become capable of understanding the pain of others, to learn to be compassionate… And now, when the principles of the regulation of our destinies by God are clear to me, I can answer to all suffering people who ask: “Why do I endure so much pain?” or “What do I suffer for?” I hope the answer is clear to you, my dear readers: through our pain, God teaches us to be compassionate to the pain of others, and we cannot get rid of this pain until we forever eradicate in ourselves the ability to hurt other beings in vain. … My graduate work in the university was on the ecology of beavers. I collected materials, living near a small river with beavers in a swamp with numerous gnats. From the beginning of the work, my scientific adviser stated to me his basic principle of interaction with students: it is not the teacher who must look after the students to make them work, but they must seek his help. I had no choice but to accept this principle. This formed in me the basis of an independently thinking scientist — a strategist and a tactician who assumes personal responsibility for his or her project from the beginning till the very end. I started my graduate work with studying all the available literature on this subject. Then I traveled over almost all the forests in the local district on my car Zaporozhets and afoot: I sought places where beavers lived. I saw so much during that traveling! Bodies of drunken men and women lying in the mud of a village road; I had to drive around them… Drunken fights… Men chasing their wives with axes… Suicides, murders… Total degradation of village populations because of alcohol!… There was no youth of childbearing age left… I remember a scene, which I called “Russian love”. Two drunken men were “dancing” a drunken dance on a village road. They were “dancing” because they could neither stand nor go: their bodies were out of control. One of them was swearing love to another in a drunken voice. The other one was “thrilled” with happiness from the balmy voice of his friend. And the friend hardly standing afoot was saying with pathos: “Vanya! I love you so much! Vanya! You are my most dear, most beloved! Vanya! Friendship — forever! Vanya! Aren’t you my friend? Tell me! Vanya! Sorry if something is wrong!… Vanya! Make my last dream come true! Vanya! Come closer! Let me punch you! Vanya, dear friend! Vanya, my faithful! Let me punch you! E-eh! Can’t stand it! Do you love me? Come closer!” And though Vanya wanted to help his best friend — he was not against it and did not go — yet he was a little afraid… They were “dancing” for a long time like this in such a “loving scene” until both fell asleep in the mud… And on the background of all this vileness and degradation, there was a strict control of the KGB even in distant places. In a village people told me about a villager who decided to start living separately, by himself. He went into the woods, built a house, and planted a kitchen garden. No one knew where he was. However, when rumors about this reached the local KGB authorities, they organized a special operation of combing the wood by means of hundreds of officers of the KGB and police! They found him! All the housekeeping was destroyed; the “criminal” was brought back to the state farm (so-called sovkhoz): “You want freedom?! You must work not for yourself, but for the State, for the motherland, for the country!” Two weeks later this man committed suicide… It was allowed!… … When I reported to the scientific adviser the results of my search for beavers, he chose one of the most distant places from the city: “The farther from people — the better!” It was a swampy area near a small river in the woods, about 200 km from Saint Petersburg. I had to live there among beavers, gnats, and other forest inhabitants, seeing no man for months. I mapped the locations where I found beaver inhabitations, studied their daily activity, studied what they fed on in winter and in summer, and took photos. Sometimes I would fall under the ice in winter, and other times I would sink into the swamp in summer. Once at night, a storm brought down a big pine right onto my tent. Luckily I was not there that time: I went to another beaver’s place and spent the night there. There were so many mosquitoes in these places that I had to work during the hot summer with a jacket on. Water and mosquitoes were everywhere; dry places were very few. I moved across the water without undressing; the clothes dried on my body. There is an interesting observation: since beavers are nocturnal animals, I, as a researcher, had to watch them during nights and to sleep in daytime. So my eyesight adapted to see in the dark: I got used to moving around in the swamps at night without a torch. I remember that one day I was going home after one and a half months of such life in the swamp. First I went on a truck, then by bus, then by the metro. I noticed that people strangely looked at me and then stepped aside… When at home I looked in the mirror, I myself became frightened: my beard was covered with a thick gray mold-like deposit. It’s a disease! I even got cold sweat! I was about to cut the beard with scissors, but then understood everything and laughed: it was an anti-mosquito ointment, which I used all the time in the forest, accumulated and dried on the beard! In short, the experience I gained in those years was really great! … The official opponent on the defense of my graduate work was a senior laboratory assistant of the chair. He had not even read it. But since he had to say something, he made a number of absurd remarks. In my response I showed that all of them were improper. The chairman of the council did not like the “impudence” of the student and wanted to lower the mark. Only “owing to the high laboriousness of the work” it was decided to give it the excellent mark. … One of the students of the same year spent only 4-5 days for collecting information for his graduate work: he walked along a beach on the Gulf of Finland, counted mollusks of several species found on the sand after the ebb. And he, too, had defended, on satisfactory mark. And he, too, got a diploma of the university… I had learned a lot and that became the basis of me as a scientist. As for him — he had learned nothing. For example, I learned to feed on the wood products. Edible herbs — one can eat them raw or dry for winter for making soups, brews, vitamin helpings to other dishes; medicinal plants; self-made honey of dandelions, meadow-sweets, and other flowers; jam of forest berries; and especially mushrooms — it allowed me to have healthy food all year round and to spend much less money on nutrition. Later on, such forest storages allowed me to survive (literally) in this body during the years of political persecution, also when a gang formed by one of my ex-disciples made me an invalid… … Many people “know” only that food which is sold in shops. They may suffer of starvation and be nearly dying, unaware that there is food at their feet. Gout-weed, nettle and many other plants can be used for food all year long till the next spring! Moreover, one can be healed with the help of herbs! Nettle (raw or dried) can be very efficient against inflammatory and infectious diseases. Gout-weed may help in the prevention and treatment of cancer (in the latter case, it should be used as a mono-diet for a long period of time, several months at least), so it is also worthy of studying. Mushrooms are also remarkable! They can be gathered from May-June (marasmius oreades and idem fairy ring mushrooms, collybia dryophila) until December (oyster mushrooms and flammulina velutipes) and used as substantial, tasty, and good-for-health food. “Mass” mushrooms, which grow from August to October, are better to conserve for the whole year — till the next season of mushrooms! Especially good are fermented mushrooms (salted, i.e. fermented with salt). They are assimilated better than others, and normalize digestion very effectively. They can be considered as a healing food because they supply the digestive system with lactic bacteria. They contain a lot of vitamins and microelements as well. And proteins from fermented or preserved mushrooms are assimilated very well because the acid destroys the walls of cells that are “hard” for digestive ferments. Fermented mushrooms can be kept in an enameled metal tank even in a city flat. One needs only to take away mold from the surface of the liquid about once a week. One can also store berries, dried mint leaves, currant, or even willow-herb! One does not need to buy them — just to gather! Even needles from fallen down branches of firs or pines are a wonderful source of vitamin C! * * * One day an old acquaintance of mine, an “indoor” person whom I had not seen for a long time, got sick. … It was spring and we gathered and ate young nettle with pleasure. Nettle tastes best when chopped, boiled for a minute (not more), and served with either mayonnaise or with the marinade that is used for mushrooms! … When I called this man and learnt about his sickness, I said: “Nettle is a good remedy! It will produce the effect at once!” “Wow! Good idea! Why didn’t I guess it myself?! I’ll ask someone to buy it!” “To buy it?!… Where?!” “In a drugstore, of course! Where else one can get it?” I told him that all the land around the city is overgrown with nettle. We laughed for a while. Then I fed him with fresh nettle. He liked it a lot! … Some days later I called him again about some matters. He told me that he was out of the city yesterday, here and there. I joked: “Well, do you know now where nettle grows?” “Where?…” “At the place where you were yesterday — it is full of nettle!” “But I didn’t look under my feet…”
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